This is Raven....she has grown SO much in the last six months!! She is such a happy, cute little thing!!

Here's a photo of Hayley. She's grown up a lot too...she says all kinds of words, eats by herself, and pretty much lets you know who the "boss" is !!! She has her mom's temper :)
She was so much fun to watch and play with. She definitely has her favorite things.....cookies and brownies among them!
She likes Nemo and Dory (finding Nemo) and Dora the Explorer. She had a hard time deciding on a name for me, started off with Mommy Mommy (Mommy's mommy) and in the end just settled for Ammie. I love it :)

A picture of the whole family....Hayley wasn't too keen on the family picture thing!
What a great-looking family! Raven looks like she has opinions, Hayley appears to have real personality, and both of them are beautiful!! I can see why it was well worth the drive in order for all of you to get together! Thanks for sharing, Gail.