So, I'm innocently surfing the web to find the best way to organize my coupons. (Yes, I've caught the coupon bug. It won't last.) I google coupon organizing and find a link that takes me to or some satellite page from it. Hey, all I want are some good tips, I don't care if they come from Donald Trump. It had a few alright tips...but then I happen to notice the little ad bar on the right side of the page and see my Facebook friends on there. Huh? It's a Facebook Social plugin. I have no idea A) why it's there; B) why my friends are on it and C) Did I do something to put it there - or has Facebook invaded my life so pervasively that it really does follow me around?
Creeped out, I leave that page and go back to Google.'s one. Household tips from Looks good...but no, wait, yikes!! A big popup asking me if I want their newsletter?! Listen Mister, if I want your newsletter, I'll go find the link myself - this offensive THING blocking my view of the page has done nothing but piss me off now. X. See ya. Bye bye page....and you didn't even give me a chance to see if your content was good enough to WANT the damned newsletter.
I've made it a policy not to do business with anyone who intrudes unwanted into my space. You pop up - I pop out. I block telemarketer's phone numbers on my phone. I stay away from the pushy salespeople at the mall kiosks - take a sample and you're there for an hour fighting off $100 purchases. I have an imaginary husband whose careers span every job on the globe from window and roof installation to grounds maintenance to car repair, tax accountant and whatever else someone is trying to sell me. I owned when I rented and now I rent while I own. We vacation in Mazatlan because the timeshare folks were too numerous and pushy in Puerto Vallarta. We only use the Holiday Inn there because they don't let timeshare folks and beach vendors on the property. The list goes on and on.
Don't get me wrong - I can and like to be a social butterfly on occasion. Just on my own terms. It's why my privacy and space are so valuable to me. Give me some breathing room and I'm your best customer. Jump down my throat and I start to think your business must be selling crap or you wouldn't follow me around in such a pushy way. Bug off!