Saturday, August 04, 2007
Minneapolis Bridge Collapse
My layout........from the bridge collapse
Some photos that I received from a friend of the bridge collapse in Minneapolis this week. The journaling says it all:
7:45 pm - My sister called me from Chicago.
You'd better turn on your TV, she said. Your
interstate has collapsed. So I did - and saw the
first of the many horrific images that would
haunt me, my friends and neighbors, and
fellow Minnesotans for hours and
days to come. The Interstate 35W
bridge over the Mississippi River
had collapsed, with no warning,
during rush hour at 6:05 PM.
I immediately thought of my
co-workers, many of whom
cross that bridge on their way
home to the suburbs north of
Minneapolis. The building we
work in sits right on 35W,
making it a popular route for
them. Three of our employees
did in fact go down on that
bridge when it fell; fortunately
two were able to walk away,
one was injured but survived.
The stories and images and
videos were on every TV
station. I couldn't sleep that
night; very few did. Images
of broken concrete and
tangled steel, crushed and
twisted vehicles, injured,
dazed people, frantic
family members, heroic
rescues and survivors,
will remain indelible in
our minds - and will
forever change this city
and state in which I live.
Beyond Repair by Lauren Bavin
Photo of highway sign by me
All other photos by Tim Davis, Minnesota, used with permission.
Digital Scrapbook Place,
Friday, August 03, 2007
Heritage Layout
*** Published in the Aug/Sept 2007 issue of Ready Set Create Magazine ***
I am so excited about this month's CDs - Scraps of Style - Days Gone By and Scraps of Words - Heritage Word Art! I love heritage layouts - this is one of my grandmother's family taken in 1930. Meryl Bartho's Paper Rose page kit and Tina Chambers' Sweet Memories word art are just beautiful and I love them with this photo!
Paper Rose Page Kit by Meryl Bartho
Scraps of Style - Days Gone By CD
Scraps of Words - Heritage Word Art CD
Sweet Smile
*** Published in the Aug/Sept 2007 issue of Ready Set Create ***
This is a photo of my daughter at the zoo at age 2. She had the cutest smile!
Journaling reads:
I love it when you laugh...your smile is so sweet and so contagious! When you were little, your giggles would make even the most serious grownup laugh..or at least smile!
I love the colors in Lisa's a Day in May Page Kit. Designed for Moms, this kit works equally well with other types of layouts. I used Becky's beautiful Half Circles quick click for this one - what an easy way to get such a beautifully designed layout! And Suzanne's Swirly Plumes and heart frame made the perfect finishing touches.
A Day in May Page Kit by Lisa Carter
Half Circles Quick Click by Becky Soto
Swirly Plumes freebie by Suzanne Walker
Heart Frames freebie by Suzanne Walker
Operation Day
*** Published in the August/September 2007 issue of Ready Set Create Magazine ***
This kit is so much fun! The bright colors and fun elements can be used so many ways for so many different types of layouts. I chose to use it for these photos of my daughter at two years old, when she had to go in for surgery.
Journaling reads:
Today you went to the hospital for
another of several operations you
needed for your ear infections -
only this time, you had a
Only two years old, you were
scared and crying as they wheeled
you away, and I was crying long
after you had disappeared down
the hall. You pulled through like a
real trooper though - when you saw
Mommy and Daddy in
the recovery room, you
you were all smiles,
even though
you were
in pain.
It wasn't at all easy - you were stubborn about
drinking fluids and even pulled your IV out in
the middle of the night. Mommy slept on a
cot right next to you for two nights, which
wasn't easy because I was nine months
pregnant - but there was nowhere else
in the world I would rather have been
than right there with you.
1 Funky Page Kit by Rene Bross
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