The neighbors told us that on the Monday night that we were gone, that a flock of about 50 crows had attacked Henrietta at about 9 that evening - around the same time that she usually left the nest each night, presumably to find food. We continued to hope for the best and that we would see her again - with her babies.
She came home yesterday afternoon and sat under a tree just a few feet away from her nest - which we haven't yet had the heart to clean out from under the bush - without her babies. So it looks like the predators got the eggs. We are hoping that she decided to try for a second brood, but it doesn't look like it.
On a happier note, it's Memorial Day weekend - the official kick off of summer! A/C is on for the first time today, going to be 88 and muggy today. My garden is pretty much in and are some of the pics, including the beautiful garden fairies my mom gave me for my birthday!

Here is a picture of Mom and me, and Chip and Mom, from Mother's Day in Florida:

And some new pictures of Hayley (left) and Raven (right) that Amy sent me on her cel phone this past week:

Well, we are off to a barbeque at the neighbor's today. Love to all and have a safe and happy holiday!
Gail and Mike