Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring !!

Spring has officially arrived!!

It's been a fairly quiet couple of weeks....Mike and I got our new DVD player hooked up over the weekend - went nuts at the video store yesterday and rented 5 movies!

A rough couple of days for me. My very good friend Bobby (from MA) passed away on Feb. 16 from lung cancer. I had spoken with him a few weeks before and he had sounded so good....so it was quite a shock when I found out. (I miss you, my friend!) Here is a picture of us at the airport in Chicago in 2002.

Taking my car in for it's checkup this weekend and working on scrapbook pages. Waiting for our 20" of snow (!) from the last week or so to melt so I can plant my tulips and start my garden shopping :)

That's it for now........love to all!!
Gail and Mike

Friday, March 03, 2006

A new month.....................

OK, so, the month of February almost pretty much didn't exist for me.......come home from Mexico with the trots, then I'm only good for a couple of days and pull my back out of whack for two weeks. Geez!!!

So..........I DO have belated good news to share!!! I was feeling so crappy I didn't even realize that I didn't put this up! On January 28, the day before we left for Mexico.........new granddaughter Raven Paige Smith arrived! 6 lbs, 18 1/2 inches. Here she is at 4 weeks :)

As for the rest of February, other than laying around on my ass for three weeks, I did get to go to Illinois and see the babies this week. So of course I also have pictures of granddaughter Hayley who is now 16 months old!

Hayley and Mom
Hayley and Dad at Chucky Cheese

Raven and Hayley
Cutie Patootie

Anyway, I got home Tuesday and it's Friday. Back is feeling better (2nd day in a row)...so I've had my two good days........If I make it through tomorrow (Saturday), then maybe the jinx will be broken and March will be a good month for me....except for taxes...yuck!!

Love to all!
Mike and Gail

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