Sunday, January 08, 2006

North Dakota Christmas

Our trip to North Dakota for Christmas was nice. Weather sure was about 40 degrees while we were there. We left Christmas Eve morning and came back the morning of the 27th. Got to do some hot tubbing at our hotel :)

This is Amanda, Mike's mom Irene and Mike and I while we were there. Posted by Picasa

So........for the rest of this month.....I have to finish up paperwork and start getting tax stuff ready..... and oh yeah.....finish planning and packing for our trip to Puerto Vallarta on the 29th :)

After that I am planning a trip to see my new grandbaby due on Feb 7. Will probably head down to Illinois around the 24th or so of February, sooner if I can find good ticket prices. Also planning a trip to Vegas with my friends Wendy and Debbie to celebrate Deb's and my 50th birthdays in April. That's about all I have planned for now.

Mike has been looking at the racing schedules and getting excited as they add the familiar venues. So I definitely see a few racing trips in my future as spring and summer come along! We're hoping for a few good concerts this year as well, though we saw far too many last year and don't expect the list to be as extensive this year. We are talking about going downtown on Feb 18th to see Colin Mochrie if we can pick up some decent tickets on the street.

Whew.......I think that catches us up.....hope you are all doing well, that you had a super Christmas and that you all have a safe, happy and healthy 2006!!

Mike and Gail

Merry Christmas!

OK, so I have some catching up to do!

December was fairly busy for us. I finally got hired on permanently at Wells Fargo on the 16th :) After that I had to spend a few days concentrating on employment paperwork (not done yet, and staring taxes in the face now!)

We had a holiday open house for close friends and neighbors on the 17th and had a wonderful time with all of them.

I had finished up Christmas shopping and shipping for my family that week. Then we had to finish shopping and getting ready for our trip to North Dakota on Christmas Eve. So it was pretty much holiday busyness the whole month. Posted by Picasa

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