.......Summer in Minnesota. Bet you're all somewhere else, envying me because it's probably too cold to do anything summery like swim, eat ice cream or sweat.......
Well..........I got news for ya.............THIS AIN'T NO BLOODY BETTER THAN ILLINOIS WAS!!! That's right..........97 degrees and sweating my you-know-what off!!! Even my sweat is sweating!! Shheeesh!!! OK, all complaining aside.......we stay cool in the air conditioning. They do have electricity up here. And if push comes to shove.....there's always the mall!!!
At least my flowers like the heat. I have impatiens, pansies (persnickety, thirsty lil buggers), rocket brights (look like a deep purple pansy-type flower), and marigolds. I also have peacock orchids that should bloom in about 6 weeks, and mums, one of the types which is now just starting to bloom and loaded with buds. All are doing very well up here.
We are just being kinda lazy this weekend, too hot to do much else. A little housework here and there. Laundry, just because its so hot, we hang it outside and it dries in no time and smells good too.
Looking forward to seeing the Rolling Stones in September, about 7 weeks from now. Rockin' Ribfest is coming up at the end of the month, that's always fun! I just hope it cools off a bit by then!
Still fighting the critters in the yard......Another momma duck with her 6 broodlings stopped by this week to pay us a visit. The bunny is persistent in attempting to dig up my flower bulbs, but I did finally put an 18" fence around the plants and it seems to be keeping his hungry butt out. That's about all the excitement we've had lately.
Remember, you all have an open invitation to come visit anytime!!! Miss you all very much!
Mike and Gail